How Professionalism Influence Income?

How Professionalism Influence Income?
How Professionalism Influence Income?

Professionalism is a much discussed topic. It is used in management and it is a subject of academic importance. It is included in the syllabus of most business schools. It is important for the students of management studies because it teaches them the way to perform better in a competitive world.

The Professional Way of Working.

A professional way of working would mean developing essential skills in a manner which is most appropriate for our occupation. Professional way of working brings perfection and order in the work we do. The professional way should have quality and value. It should be quick and easy to undertake. It should be interesting, should be result oriented, cost effective, less complicated and should be always doable. Let us discuss these briefly.

(1) Developing skills for occupation: Occupational skill development is important. It means improving those skills which are unique for our occupation. Every work has some methodically distinct attributes which makes it unique in some ways. These attributes have to be learned and practised regularly to make it a skill. A skill once learned improves day by day through practice.

(2) It should have quality and value: The positive outcome of professionalism is quality and value. There should not be any compromise on the quality and value of work of a professional. When we become uncompromising on the level of quality and value, we move towards success.

(3) Should be quick and easy to do: The work should be quick and easy to undertake. It should not consume time more than what is required. As time is crucial for all occupations, a professional way of working should consider and follow it.

(4) It should be interesting: Work should be interesting. If it is not, it should be made interesting. People love work only when it is interesting.

(5) Should be result oriented: People work for money and money comes only when they deliver results. Results are the outcome of work and making work more result oriented brings fortune. Work should be result oriented and purposeful. A method which is not productive cannot be called work. It is just a waste of time.

(6) Should be cost effective: Our method of working should be cost effective. This would mean using devices and methods which are economically viable for the work to be undertaken. Accomplishments should not be too costly. There is no point in spending a million to make a million.

(7) Should be less complicated: Complications should be simplified. Work becomes more perfect if it is less complicated. Learning simple ways of work makes people stress free. This help them to be more focused in their work and become more productive.

(8) Should always be doable: Only those activities which are doable and which have positive results are called work. Work should be done and targets should be achieved. A work and a target which is beyond the reach of the common man is likely to remain incomplete.

Professionalism is an attitude which when becomes a habit, brings fortune for an individual. When an individual works with professionalism, he creates conducive environment for himself to grow and thrive. Professionalism is a quality which is not limited to professionals alone; it is seen in every successful person, irrespective of his occupation.

Human Qualities.

Professionalism is a combination of attitude, knowledge, integrity, skills and punctuality. When these human qualities combine and develop as a work culture, the hidden professionalism emerges. While everybody has these qualities in varying proportions, most people don't do much to develop it. When qualities are not cultivated properly, they fade away.

Qualities are ought to be developed and shouldn't be allowed to fade. When we work systematically, we become efficient. When efficiency is consistent, it becomes a habit. When good habits embed in our daily routine, we exhibit professionalism.

Developing Good Habits.

Good habits are not formed in a day or two; they take months to develop. Learning better ways to do things and practising them daily brings change in us. Change is always gradual. We should accept our shortcomings and should strive to overcome them.

Our attitude should favour our development. We should update our knowledge and improve our skills. By doing these things religiously, we equip ourselves to face challenges and we overcome them. In this way, we imbibe professionalism and become more acceptable and trustworthy.

When we get recognised in our field, we get more opportunities to learn and earn. This is how our income starts growing. The trait of professionalism thus influence income.

Success Through Professionalism.

Professionalism makes people successful in every field. This may seem an exaggeration, but it is not. People who show professionalism in work are more successful than those who don't. It is not just the way people dress or mingle with each other; it is the willing attitude and positive mindset with which they live and perform their duties which make all the difference.

As professionalism leads to success and success is reflected in income, we have reasons to believe that professionalism do influence income.


The previous post was: Fixed Deposits.

The next post is: Credit Cards.



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