Human resources and money.

Human Resources and Money.
Human Resources and Money.

Human beings are resources because they are resourceful. The innate potential of creativity, discovery, innovation and communication make human beings par excellent. All resources are capital and all are valuable. Capital always have the potential to earn money for them who owns them. However, human beings are not properties to be owned by somebody and this makes them distinct and unique as a resource.

Human Beings as Resources.

Humans have the ability to think and create. Every man-made item stands testimony to this fact. Human beings discovered the resources of the earth and invented useful things from them for himself and for others. With time, he explored new resources and started exploiting them. A resource, by definition, is a tangible matter or product which is capable of bringing valuable changes in the lives of people. (Resources could also be intangible, but considering the properties a resource should exhibit, it is mostly tangible).

Human beings are pivotal creatures in earth. Without them, the earth would never have witnessed the changes we see now. Human beings know the value of resources and know how to make use of them. That's why they made progress. Human beings discovered resources and made them valuable assets. For him, everything is valuable. He knows the way to derive value from everything, which makes him superior to animals and all other creatures. Everything in this earth and beyond, is a resource and human beings without exception is one among them.

The Shortcomings of Human Resources.

Resources are liable to get wasted if they are not used wisely. This is particularly true for human resources. Human resources show value only when they are employed for some purpose. Human resource if not used productively will remain just a potential entity or will become a resource for namesake. If human resources are kept idle, they are likely to lose their value. Human resources are prone to mismanagement and neglect.

Unlike natural resources, which retain their value even when unused, human beings will lose their value if not employed for a good cause. This is a drawback. Many impediments come in the way towards human progress. Impediments are in the form of restrictions which may be external and also self imposed. Impediments come to stop good efforts everywhere. Things that restrict people from unleashing their potential are many. Here are a few of them.

(a) Wrong beliefs or ideologies: Human potential often get undermined because of negative beliefs and wrong ideologies. Beliefs which are against learning new things or following better practices impede progress. Wrong notions and ideologies are difficult to overcome when they are firmly embedded in the mind.

(b) Inadequate learning: Inadequate value based learning is another limiting factor for human development. Education is vital for human development. The inadequacies of learning reflects in the behaviour and character of people.

(c) Unbending negative attitudes: Sometimes attitudes which are unbending could hamper self development. Attitudes often require adjustments with situations. When situation demands a change in stance for a good cause, the attitude should change for its adoption. Adjustments doesn't mean to accept a wrong notion or deed. Embracing the good and positive change and denouncing the bad is the norm for cultivating moral character.

(d) Negative influences: Every person is a slave of his thoughts and beliefs. Thoughts control human behaviour. Thoughts are like programmed software. Just as programmed software controls a device or a machine, the thoughts control behaviour. As software can be downloaded from various sources, the thoughts can be influenced by many different sources. The problem arises when influencing sources are negative.

The Money in Human Resources.

Money is hidden in every resource and it is true for human resources as well. The money is in human potential which surfaces only when it is explored. The quest for the exploration of inner potential has made many people successful and rich.

To see money in human resources, just search for the successful people in every field. See how doctors, lawyers, sportsmen, businessmen, engineers, actors, academicians and so many people in different occupations are making a good fortune for themselves. Many of them might have inherited a fortune and most of them may have created their own. In either way, it is evident that money is always there in human resources.

Human Values and Money.

Money always have an association with value. Money denotes value. It is made for the transaction of valuable goods and services. Only valuable items could be bought and sold. Value of something is related to its price, but this cannot be a measure for human beings.

Human values can never be measured or compared with money. Money can buy human skills, but not human beings. This is the philosophy of wise people. They are relevant in all ages, even though, we can see the opposite in real life. The value of a person is often judged by the amount of money he or she owns or earns.

Economics is ruthless in this regard. In economics, the value of something is considered if it can be capitalised. Economics gives importance to those things which can be converted into money immediately. Human beings unfortunately don't satisfy this criteria every time, which makes them vulnerable to the notion of 'being less in value' or 'of no value'.

Money is a man-made resource. Money was invented by man to make use of other resources of the earth. Money became a medium of transaction. Money is the most clever inventions of man. It is scientific. It is governed by the laws of nature. Nature's laws have been deciphered by human intelligence. Man being a resource has a value which can be converted into money if he wants to. If man doesn't consider himself and others as valuable resources, it is his folly.


The previous post was: Donations.

The next one is: How much to pay for life insurance policy?



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